Little Miss Lila Framed Print



Dive into the world of enchantment with our exclusive art print featuring the mesmerizing Lily. Elegantly portraye, Lily stands as a testament to the beauty of imagination. Her graceful demeanor and captivating gaze beckon viewers into her magical realm.

This limited edition print is set within a high-quality frame, designed to accentuate the artistry and allure of Lily’s depiction. The meticulously detailed artwork captures the very essence of this fictional character, making it a perfect centerpiece for any room.

Adorn your space with Lily and let her tale of wonder inspire every glance. Perfect for both fans and art aficionados alike. Grab yours before it’s gone!

14″ x 14″ (Square) 24″ x 24″ (Square) 32″ x 32″ (Square)
Canvas width, in 14.02 24.02 32.01
Canvas height, in 14.02 24.02 32.01
Canvas depth, in 1.25 1.25 1.25
Frame depth, in 1.75 1.75 1.75



Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 14 × 1 × 14 in